3 Most popular cities of Switzerland

3 most popular cities of Switzerland

Acknowledged, nothing is perfect but three most visited cities of Switzerland reache its near because of its sky touching peaks and deeps lakes so-called playground of Europe offers lot of adventures at any time of the year. Stretching sixty percent mighty Alps mountain with breathtaking sights and eye-catching views of landscapes make the country worthwhile. … Read more

5-Most wonderful spots of Old Town (Altstadt)

5-Most wonderful spots of Old Town (Altstadt)

Bowing Altstadt is the heart of Zurich. Ancient and modern combination the historical old town reflects the history and culture of Swiss with cobbled streets and medieval structures by lake Zurich. Every turn holds the story in the form of ancient church, traditional cafes and shopping centers. The most popular landmarks such as Grossminster Church, … Read more

Lake Zurich holding 5 Most beautiful spots

5 Stunning Places Of Lake Zurich

Certainly, one of the most visited country the Switzerland is very much popular for its breathtaking landscapes, serene meadows and natural wonders not only in the Europe but all over the world. Stand-out as a must visited destination such stunning lake lies in the heart of Switzerland. Lake offers magnificent  scenic beauty , cultural attraction … Read more